An oil painting, done on 8 x 8 inch canvas mounted on board, of a totally imaginary scene. I had in mind something bleak and wintery, but also peaceful and tranquil
Available unframed for £50
An oil painting, done on 8 x 8 inch canvas mounted on board, of a tranquil evening, going up the Thames on a boat, somewhere upstream of Henley.
Available unframed for £50
An oil painting, done on 8 x 8 inch canvas mounted on board, of Lindisfarne Priory, an amazing place in northumberland that is well worth a visit.
Available unframed for £50
An acrylic painting, on a stretched canvas measuring 50 x 60 cm.
It’s an abstract, impressionist painting of an old, dead tree, now collapsed, that was in a nearby field.
Available unframed £300
An oil painting, done on 8 x 8 inch canvas mounted on board, of Bamburgh Castle, a wonderful castle in the small town of Bamburgh in Northumberland
Available unframed for £50
An oil painting, done on 8 x 8 inch canvas mounted on board, of a sunrise on the northumberland coast
Available unframed for £50
A small, 8 x 8 inch oil painting, on canvas mounted on board, of Roker Pier, on the north east coast of England.
Available unframed for £50
Acrylic painting of Henry Cavill as The Witcher.

An acrylic painting of a dead tree that was standing in a field near my house. It has since collapsed.

This started life as an underpainting for an entirely different concept but I liked how it ended up so much that I decided to run with it.
There’s a video of it being painted here - https://youtu.be/cENExdx9fy4
Available unframed for £300

Acrylic painting of the church in Kirkby Stephen.
There’s a video of the painting to be found here - https://youtu.be/8Rk3C9JrXKo
Note: this artwork has been sold

This is an acrylic painting of a ruined sheep-shed that I walk past a lot in the countryside behind Kirkby Stephen.
If you want to watch a time-lapse vid of it being painted, check it out here!
Note: this artwork has been sold

Painting of one of the semi-feral macaws that fly around the Cumbrian town where I live, Kirkby Stephen.
You can see a time-lapse video of the painting here!
Available unframed £400

A pen and ink doodle inspired by the game No Man’s Sky

I was excited by the Aquaman trailer (I know, it came as a shock to me too) so I painted this - there’s a vid on my YouTube channel!
This is available for sale if you’re a big Momoa fan!

Painting of me and my beloved, much missed dog, Midge, walking through the fields behind my house

Painting of Spider-Woman done in watercolour. This is a copy of a painting I saw on Twitter that I really liked and wanted to reproduce.
It was by Jeff Dekal - https://twitter.com/jeffdekal/status/858361280792600580

Watercolour painting of Spider-Woman, complete with actual human proportions and an accurate representation of spandex on the human form. Not sure who the model was…
Cartoony version of Spider-Woman, done in watercolour in my sketchbook

Raven from the Teen Titans and her birb friend

Ink drawing of a rook, done whilst I was behind the counter at T’aint Modern in Kirkby Stephen.
Prints available in my Etsy store - click here!

Acrylic painting of a kingfisher.
Note: the original of this has been sold

Acrylic painting of a rook that was frightening away all the smaller birds in my back garden.
Note: the original of this has been sold

A greater spotted woodpecker that was eating the seeds in my bird feeder over the summer
Note: the original piece has been sold

An experiment doing a painting with just a palette knife. Turned out a lot better than I was expecting, honestly!
Note: the original piece has been sold

Portrait of Sylvanas Windrunner from World of Warcraft

An acrylic painting of a grown up Red and her faithful companion. Easily the biggest painting I've attempted at a metre across. I was aiming for a cool painting with a playful side (Red trying for a badass pose but her big, dumb dog has put its leg down on her fancy cloak).
She did start out naked, because "Art, dahling", but it looked kinda dumb so shiny armour it was. Also, I had such a struggle getting the wolf's legs to look right, and honestly I'm still not 100% happy with them.

Painting of a red squirrel that came a-thieving to steal seeds from the bird feeder in my back garden.
Note: the original of this piece has been sold

Messy self-portrait. It's a little lopsided but then so's my face so it works out.
Acrylic on linen (fancy! And so smooth...).
If you happen to like this picture, prints, along with many other bits and bobs, are available on my Society6 page!

An attempt at an Alla Prima style of painting of a rook that was in my back garden, done with acrylics.
I even videoed the process! https://youtu.be/OiIGQpuNPsY
Note: the original of this piece has been sold

Watercolour of one of the local, semi-feral parrots that can be found here in Kirkby Stephen.
Prints, mugs and other paraphernalia featuring this handsome devil can be found on my new Society6 page - Click here!

Watercolour painting of a parrot flying over the sheep field behind my house.
I live in a small town in north west England called Kirkby Stephen. It's surrounded by sheep fields and empty moors and it tends to be grey and wet.
It's also home to a small colony of semi-feral parrots that live in a sanctuary just outside of town and can often be seen sitting on chimney stacks or flying over the grazing sheep.
Sped up video of the painting: https://youtu.be/oXMCyHZl_LU
Prints and other trinkets available from http://www.redbubble.com/people/bigalien/works/22375741-parrot-in-flight

Trying to be artsy whilst practising my watercolours. There's probably a lot of symbology there somewhere.
The fade out to the left was intentional, by the way. Can't quite remember what I thought it represented though. Looking towards a brighter future maybe? Sure, we'll go with that.

San from Princess Mononoke, painted in watercolours.
It's supposed to depict San as being one with the forest. Kinda looks like a terrible fungal infection

Varian Wrynn, King of Stormwind from World of Warcraft.
Painted in acrylics

Watercolours. Painted in response to political events in America as a tribute to the struggles and resilience of the LGBTQ community.

Acrylic practice piece, repainted from The Main Attraction by Vettriano

Pharah from Overwatch, just as a practice piece with gouache

Abstract of a beach ball on a lonely beach

This is a selection of my paintings, done in acrylics, oils or watercolours, inspired by popular culture, nerdy nonsense and the beauty of the Eden Valley.
Many of the pictures here are for sale, and if they've already been sold then prints might be available - either go to my Etsy store or visit my art-focused site, TheVagabondPainter

Sci-fi and fantasy novels, sometimes serious, often whimsical.
From the gun-slinging, post-apocalyptic Western world of Crystal eyes, to the sword and sorcery of Catlyn the innkeeper in Heroes Wanted, and the distant desert planet of Aimee, the badass mech pilot in a wheelchair, these books can take you from one amazing world to another, meeting characters you'll never forget.
Available on Amazon now
For enquiries about commissions, buying art or any of my books,
Just use the Contact Me page or email ADonnellyArt@gmail.com