Allen Donnelly

Artist, Author, Whimsy Merchant

This is the official website of the artist and science-fiction/fantasy novelist, Allen Donnelly.

So...what next?


So, yeah, life changing stuff in the past week – whether it’s for the better or the worse remains to be seen!
I can say that right at this moment in time, I’m a lot happier than I was. If that’s still the case months from now then I’ll call it a success.
Basically, I’ve abandoned the world of full-time employment in a bid, perhaps foolhardy, of making it as a writer (and possibly occasional furniture restorer, landlord and maybe French guesthouse owner – I’m nothing if not filled with wild ideas and terribly indecisive).
It’s not quite as mad as it sounds. Over the last four years there has been a certain amount of…let’s say loss, in my life.  Though it in no way makes up for what isn’t there anymore, it has left me with enough money in the bank to chase my dream and try to make a go of this whole writing business, much to the relief of my former colleagues, I suspect, who were probably getting rightly pissed off with the grouchy, misanthropic bear in their midst.  

So here I am, wondering if I can make a living from my books.  And also this website and my other blog (A Thousand Words) – those of you who’ve visited my sites before may have noticed that adverts have suddenly appeared, the result of a money-induced panic attack.  The timing is not a coincidence.
Now, I’m not saying you have to click on them or anything (suggesting that might even be against the terms and conditions), nor am I saying that you have to buy my book (Crystal Eyes, a sci-fi adventure, available at all good eBook retailers – ahem), but I certainly wouldn’t object if you did.
Passive aggressive marketing, it’s the way forward!

Time to stop blathering on and do some actual writing – I’m working on the sequel to Crystal Eyes and doing final polishing on a fantasy novel called Heroes Wanted, which should hopefully appear in the new year.

Until next time,
P.S. Thanks to everyone who gave me feedback about the covers (the blog post below this one) - number 1, with the red background, emerged as a clear winner.