Allen Donnelly

Artist, Author, Whimsy Merchant

This is the official website of the artist and science-fiction/fantasy novelist, Allen Donnelly.

Here we go!

It's all kicking off here at château Donnelly (note: I don't actually live in a castle)!
First of all, I've released an updated version of my first novel, Crystal Eyes, out into the wild - this version has fewer typos, a swanky new cover design and a deleted, bonus chapter!
If you've already bought it, I believe that deleting it and re-downloading it should get you the new version.
If you don't have it...well, I just don't know what to say to you. I'm deeply hurt. But you could make me feel better by going and buying a copy (go here for details)!

But that's not all! I'm finally ready to begin the Kickstarter campaign for Heroes Wanted - it should be going live within the next few days! 
This will let me get professional editing and provide cool swag like paperback versions, t-shirts and whatever else occurs to me! 
Keep an eye on the blog and my twitter feed to find out when it goes live.  Believe, you won't be able to miss it.
I'd be thrilled if you would join in with me on this little project and I'm very excited to finally release Heroes Wanted into the wild!