Allen Donnelly

Artist, Author, Whimsy Merchant

This is the official website of the artist and science-fiction/fantasy novelist, Allen Donnelly.

Filtering by Tag: Live Writing

A quick hello

Well now, well now indeed. This has been a stressful couple of weeks!
House moving, avoid it if at all possible unless you can pay someone else to do it for you while you go on holiday.
That hellish nightmare aside, I'm talking to an editing company for Heroes Wanted so things are moving forward, albeit slowly. I'm still letting the sequel to Crystal Eyes marinate - I'll give it a while longer so I can come to it fresh. In the meantime I've had an idea for a short story or two that I'd like to put out.
I'd like to get stuck into the Live Writing story but since I'm writing it in Google Drive I really need to get a more stable net connection than my iPhone provides out here (I'm in the middle of nowhere!)
Also starting to put some thought into a story for this year's Nanowrimo - I'm thinking some epic fantasy might be just the thing this time. I hope that there are plenty of you joining me!

Outside of writing, due to the fact that I'm actually in a holiday cottage this week with no real internet, there won't be a Bake Off Challenge video. I still plan to do one for each episode so I'll just have to play catch up when I get into my new place.

This has been ludicrously hectic and I am, not to put too fine a point on it, knackered. It's tempting to just get rid of all my stuff and buy a mobile home but then I think, "would I still be able to play Guild Wars 2 and Warcraft then?". Priorities, people, I have them. Not necessarily good ones, but I do have them.

Midge sends her regards, by the way. I suspect she thinks all the moving around and stressing that humans do is silly. She is probably right.

Right, time for some minimum effort dinner - pizza and a baked spud!


Doing it LIVE!

Hey ho, one and all, how the devil are you?
This is the first update I've done since the end of my Kickstarter attempt (which I've decided to label a glorious failure).
First and foremost, I'm still beavering away at the sequel to Crystal Eyes. I'm in the home straight now, heading towards the final, climactic scenes and then it will be done!  Well, the first draft will be done. After that begins the rather less exciting task of rewriting all the bits that suck and trying to find all the cock ups.

I've decided to grit my teeth against the stabbing pain in my wallet and send Heroes Wanted off to an editor. Not something I'm looking forward to, quite honestly, but it needs to be done I think. By the way, if you know of a reliable, professional editor for a fantasy novel, let me know!

There also seems to be a good chance that I may be moving house soon! To where, I don't know, not decided yet. What? I've got, I dunno, 3 weeks or so. Plenty of time...

Finally, I want to announce a new thing I'm trying - LIVE WRITING! 
There are more details on the other end of that link but the basic summary would be that you can watch, and even participate with, me writing a story in real time. No plan, no plot, no chapters worked out, just free-wheelin' down the road to wherever it takes us!

That's it for now, you beautiful people, have a good day/evening/night! 

P.S. One last thing - I'm putting up more videos on my YouTube channel with the vague hope that they may prove entertaining. Currently I'm trying to do a weekly Bake Off challenge, wherein I try to recreate one of the things baked on the previous week's Great British Bake Off. All that nonsense can be found HERE!